Monday, December 2, 2013

[vallalargroups:5220] Bhoota-agni – பூதாக்னி

Bhoota-agni – பூதாக்னி (existential fire)

We all see and feel our sthoola sareera (gross body), which is made up of gross matter. But, we

also have a sookshma sareera (subtle body) made up of subtle matter. It cannot be perceived by the senses attached to the gross body (eyes, ears, nose etc). It contains thousands of naadis,

which are essentially subtle channels of energy flow. A fire called bhoota-agni (existential fire)

burns in this subtle body. It is the subtle basis of one's entire existence. It manifests in the gross

body in the form of various fires. Examples are the "fire" in the stomach that helps one digest the food eaten and the "fire" in the brain that helps one digest and understand various sense


This bhoota-agni is vital to one's existence. In most people, it is quite weak. Due to impurities

and obstructions in the naadis of the subtle body, this fire cannot burn strongly to energize the

entire existence. When it burns low, the divine presence that can enter it is quite limited in

magnitude.If one overcomes the internal weaknesses such as desire, anger, greed, false prestige, wantonness and jealousy, develops compassion, one-pointed devotion, detachment, and sheds one layer of ego and delusion after another, eventually the impurities in the naadis will be cleared and bhootaagni will burn strong.

This internal fire (bhootaagni) on a regular basis, the nearby divine presence burns the impurities in the naadis, by burning various karmas (actions from the past, which will get corresponding reactions in the future) in the kaarana sareera (causal body). This eventually leads to the strengthening of bhoota-agni.

one's naadis are cleared of the obstructions and one's bhoota-agni burns brightly. At that juncture, all sadhanas performed by one, including regular meditation, become much more effective.

If bhoota-agni can accommodate divine presence to a larger degree, the meditation becomes more effective.

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