Sunday, May 4, 2008

[vallalargroups:442] Is UFO a flying human? Video


Is UFO a flying human? | The Sun |HomePage|News

Is UFO a flying human? | The Sun |HomePage|News

SENSATIONAL sightings of a flying HUMAN above the skies of Mexico could be genuine, says a paranormal expert.

The mysterious woman-like figure was caught on camera as it hovered above mountains in Nuevo Leon city.

UFO watchers said the figure appeared to be wearing a cape leading to claims that it was a witch or wizard when it was first seen in 2006.

Now Mexico's leading Ufologist Anna Luisa Cid says the sightings were true after carrying out her own investigations.

I don't want to sound too skeptical, the photo is right there before my eyes and there is a video in the article, but it just doesn't look like a woman or a man to me. It could be a balloon with some attachments to make it look vaguely like a witch. In the past I have been critical of Journalists and TV talking heads reporting UFO stories with a smirk and their tongues planted firmly in their cheeks. Now, having said that, I just can't help wondering about Hillary Clinton's whereabouts when these sightings took place.

It is an interesting article with some problems with translation and the video is thought provoking.

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