Tuesday, November 25, 2008

[vallalargroups:928] Re: Science

அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி
தனிப்பெருங்கருணை அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி
எல்லா உயிர்களும் இன்புற்று வாழ்க
Hi friends,
Anyone please translate the below one in tamil.So that all members can understand this.
அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி
தனிப்பெருங்கருணை அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி
எல்லா உயிர்களும் இன்புற்று வாழ்க

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 9:20 PM, SRINIVASAN SIVAJAYAKUMAR <ssivajayakumar@gmail.com> wrote:



Dear seekers of Truth,


Ramalinga Vallalar known to this world as a great spiritualist is the greatest of all the scientists ever treaded this world since its beginning.


Scientists denied God with science, as did the celebrated scientific mind of Stephen Hawking, the British Physicist did not believe in god and there was no room for god in his universe. Stephen Hawking went to the extent of declaring that if the true unified theory in physics is discovered,


"We shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be ultimate triumph of human race—for then we would know the mind of god."


Vallalar went aboard the ship of science only to praise the grace of the Almighty in all glory and dispel the ignorance in the minds of even believers as to the reality behind the concept of god. Vallalar sings in song No.14 of Thiruvadi Perumai that the form of god is thought of as the form of air or fire by ignorance and the form of god is beyond the mind and consciousness and describing the form of god is a task impossible of compliance.



Affirm they always, form of air or fire, as the form of god

When asked to discover the form of air or fire and apprise,

Assert they yet another form, which if disputed with others

By repeated blinking, people like me, stand too bewildered;

State of manifestation and the opposite of manifestation

Beyond the pain of suffering, becoming the form of bliss

Dancing in space inaccessible to the mind and sensation;

Who can describe the form of my Lord, oh my comrade.



It may be appreciated that the scientific thoughts in Thiru Arutpa have been expressed initially by Swami Saravanananda in his book published under the title "Omni Grace and Science" in the year 1974. Shri T.R.Thulasiram of Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, has presented the scientific thoughts of vallalar in the book "Vallalar's Vision of Nuclear Physics and Nervous System". published in the year 1987. But the present article placed before the seekers of truth in the land of Vallalar is independent of the thoughts expressed and the angles gleaned by the above two departed souls. I would like to pay homage to them as their efforts in 1974 and 1987 are noteworthy considering the limitation in the atmosphere discharged with the evolution of scientific thought up to that period.

The progress of science towards particle physics in 19th and 20th century is laid before the seekers of truth to appreciate the spiritual strength of Vallalar (1823 – 1874) attained in the land of science. The list is not exhaustive but illustrative to understand the issue in its proper perspective.



In 1803, first table of atomic weights published


In 1808, atoms of different elements have different atomic weights and a     conclusion that atoms can neither be created nor destroyed and chemical reactions are simply a rearrangement of the atoms.


In 1897, electrons were discovered.


In 1910, protons were identified


In 1911, an atom consists of a tiny nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons


In 1913, model of atom was completed


In 1920, the existence of neutron proposed


In 1930, the idea that the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons


In 1934, beta decay was known as a result of a weak force operating between nucleons


In 1935, predicted the existence of a particle which carries the strong force between protons, neutrons and other hadrons binding an atomic nucleus together


In 1956, neutrinos are proven to exist


In 1964, the idea of quark was introduced


In 1975, the four quark theory


In 1977, discovery of the bottom quark


In 1984, the evidence of top quark



It is thought that the four fundamental interactions in the universe are all manifestation of the same force. This force existed when the big bang occurred at a temperature above 1015 k. as the universe cooled the forces separated as the original symmetries were broken. Gravity was the first to separate, followed by the strong nuclear force, and the weak electromagnetic forces as extracted and tabulated below;



Scientists championing the cause of big bang theory claim that at 0 second from the big bang at the temperature of infinity, the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense (in a mathematical singularity). At 1012 second from the big bang at the temperature of 1015 weak and electromagnetic forces begin to separate. At 106 second from the big bang at the temperature of 1014 Quarks and leptons begin to form. At 103 second from the big bang at the temperature of 1012 Quarks form the hadrons; quark confinement begins. At 102 second from the big bang at the temperature of 107 Helium nuclei formed by fusion. At 105 years from the big bang at the temperature of 104 Atomic era; atoms form as protons combine with electrons. At 106 years from the big bang at the temperature of 103 matter underwent gravitational collapse.



Time from big bang    Temperature(k)       State of the universe/force


0 second                            infinite                 The universe is infinitesimally             

                                                                        small and infinitely dense

                                                                        (in a mathematical singularity)


1012 second                        1015                     Weak and electromagnetic

                                                                        forces begin to separate


106 second                          1014                     Quarks and leptons begin

                                                                         to form


103 second                         1012                      Quarks form the hadrons;

                                                                         quark confinement begins


102 second                         107                       Helium nuclei formed by



105 years                            104                       Atomic era; atoms form as

                                                                         protons combine with



106 years                            103                      Matter undergoes gravitational



0.5-1.8 x1010 years            2.7                       Present day; cosmic

                                                                        background corresponds to

                                                                        about 2.7 k                  



.But Vallalar declared in the years prior to 1874 that the entire manifestation emanated only from god and the saint never subscribed to the theory of the universe coming into existence from a mathematical singularity. In his conclusion, the dance of existence is ever present without beginning and end and within the dance the process of manifestation emanating from the state of energy springing from god, is ever going on. Only the mind which is able to lift the veil of falsity, exaggeration and rest in truth could only understand as to what is reality as explained by Vallalar. One should not come to a conclusion that Vallalar walking on the path of spirituality was not at all conversant with the ingredients of science.


While Albert Einstein wondered that god does not play dice, the saint has asserted that incomprehensible dance of god in manifestation appears as playing dice. Vallalar was able to scan the entire span of existence in his contemplative meditation and declares that existence comprises of 10 states as detailed below in Song No.17 of Thiruvadi Perumai; in other words, there are eight steps in between god and manifestation as tabulated below; The revelation below at the level of sub atomic state is undreamt of even by science before 100 years. One would rise in respect and amazement if the attention is drawn to the song in Thiruvadi Perumai extracted below as rendered in English;



  Manifestation one only, form is one and colour one

Light there is one and therein nature is one

Below that there is atom subtle and there is a part

Within that there is nucleus and in it, energy

There is god to that energy; to all these things

There is no one other than my Master

Who is the monarch in the council

Who can praise His glory, my comrade,

Of His dance in the space.


Vallalar asserts that energy sprouts from god and from energy, the nucleus and from nucleus, the part and from that springs atom whose combination leads to Nature, Light, Colour and Form which altogether constitutes Manifestation as a whole.



The elementary particles are the fundamental constituents of all the matter in the universe. How Vallalar was able to scan the layers of existence at the micro level without any scientific knowledge and instruments? It is pertinent to note that Vallalar not only identified the fundamental constituents of the physical world but also identified the forces interacting between such elementary particles 100 years before. While Science was struggling with the discovery of the constituents and the interacting forces, Vallalar was able to name them all and connect all these to god the fountainhead. Albert Einstein who authored Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity attributed his success in the field to his standing on the shoulders of Sir Isaac Newton.But Vallalar claimed that the knowledge of eight and two opened to him by god in turn opened him to such extraordinary state both at the micro as well at the macro level. The demonstration of dematerialization of his body within the doors closed on 30.1.1874 and spreading the particles across the seams of this universe to bring peace on this earth on the ground of spiritual unity of all the souls are milestones on the path of truth.



Scientists have declared unanimously that there are four fundamental interactions available in this world. The interactions were not created but are available as such. They have been classified as the following:


  • Strong nuclear force                   
  • Weak nuclear force
  • Electro magnetic force
  • Gravity



All of you are requested to see Song No.16 of Thiruvadi Perumai rendered in English below, the significance of which we would deal with in the forthcoming article……


.                       Forces manifesting many more in millions, sprouting

Forces immeasurable in millions, quantum unknown

Galaxies creating forces many more in millions;

Nameless such forces combined and channeled

Into forces of yet another in millions and millions;

To all these forces, My Master, the only monarch

Dancing in the hall of genesis in the form of bliss;

    Anyone there who can ever glorify His Greatness?

Beware of this for ever my comrade.


It is to be kept in our mind that the milk of kindness meant for feeding all the souls of this world was always on the lips of Saint Vallalar. The supreme soul of compassion who has circumambulated the soil of Vadalur in India was always in prayer for all the souls of this world beyond time and space. Let us not forget the thought of the Saint


The experience of the soul which is the truth of nature, is actually the life of excellence.



This article is only a beginning ……………….


With regards


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